Fresh Family Favorites with Frigo® Cheese
The key objective was to create an impactful way to boost brand awareness and engage young moms on Instagram around family recipes. The primary target was Millennial Moms, ages 25-35 with 2+ children in the household, with interests in cooking, family activities, and spending time on social media.
We started with our audience of Millennial Moms and their interests in following Influencers and trendy cooking shows. Next, we tapped into Food Network's Retro Rad Chef, Emily Ellyn, a sour Freshness Expert. Emily created new recipes and we produced videos of her preparing and cooking the dishes with Frigo® cheese. We would use Instagram to showcase these new recipe sand develop an incentive for our Moms to share their recipes, too.
We launched the FRIGO® FRESH FAMILY FAVORITES recipe contest encouraging consumers to share PHOTOS of their Frigo® cheese-inspired family recipes. Moms could share their fresh family favorite dishes for a chance to Win a $2,000 gift card Grand Prize and Frigo® cheese for a year.
The results exceeded all expectations for a PHOTO upload contest.
12,235 PHOTOS were entered by consumers on the website
Doubled the number of brand followers on Instagram
1,200 additional photo entries were gained on Instagram
87,204 Video views across social media
1,500,000+ User Generated Content tagged with #FreshFamilyFavorites on Instagram
22 Million Impressions online increased brand awareness
The campaign won the 2020 PRO AWARD